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Woman soldier shaking hands with a student

Civil Air Patrol lessons to support the US Space Force

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Earth & Space Science
A black pixilated backgorund with outlines of the continents with white text that says STEM activities.

Space Force STEM Activities

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Earth & Space Science
A satellite image of clouds over the United States

NOAA View Data Imagery Portal

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Earth & Space Science
Image of the Martian surface of reddish dust and rock and the rover on the right hand side.

Destination Deep Space

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Man with brown hair looking into camera with a bookshelf behind him.

Nirav Patel, Geospatial Data Scientist

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Earth & Space Science
Line art illustration of observatory with text that says NOAO underneath it

Tales of the modern astronomer

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Earth & Space Science
Black field with tiny white and blue dots representing stars white text that says 30 days with a space and cyber airmen.

Missile Warning and Space Surveillance

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Earth & Space Science
Earth from space

Space Law-What Laws are There in Space?

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Illustrated moon surface with text that says teaching with telescopes.

Teaching with Telescopes

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Earth & Space Science
Logo that says Ladies of Landsat with a rendering of a landsat satelight

Ladies of Landsat

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Illustration of a Navajo woman with short brown hair and embroidered blouse and the Navajo Nation flag.

Earth Observation User Case: Speaking a New Language of Landsat (Ladies of Landsat)

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Earth & Space Science
A classroom of children with their hands raised looking at the teacher

NOAA Educator Opportunities

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A blue sky with a rocket launching vertically with white smoke beneath it

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Your Place In Space Career Profiles

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Illustration of a rocket launch with text saying Go For Launch FAA.gov/space

Federal Aviation Administration Commercial Space Transportation Careers

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A light blue rectangle with a white jet on the left and white text that says national air and space museum Smithsonian on the right

Women in Aviation and Space History

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Globe program logo with illustration of three children's silhouette's around a illustrated earth and text that says The Globe Program.

Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program

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Earth & Space Science
A blue circle with an eagle head above a green shield with a green ring around the circle with text that says Department of Energy United States of America.

Department of Energy STEM Opportunities and Resources

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An astronaut in a spacesuit on a spacewalk.

The U.S. Army in Space today and in the future

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Illustration of a tv with four arrows in a circle with Virtual Career Speaker Series in text

Wright Patterson Air Force Base Educational Outreach: Virtual Career Speaker Sessions

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Earth & Space Science
Illustration of Earth with satellite orbiting it

2-Body Equation of Motion

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Earth & Space Science
Night sky with silhouettes of trees with a bright green streak in the sky

Space Weather and Earth's Aurora

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Earth & Space Science
A warehouse with large siver machine in the background with the text NASA featured careers.

NASA Career Categories and Descriptions

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Earth & Space Science
Illustration of the Earth and a satellite with an arrow showing gravity pulling toward the Earth.


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Black field with white text that says United States Space Force

U.S. Space Force Commercial: Space Is Hard

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Image of a woman Erin Pettyjohn physicist

Chill Out: Tiny Refrigerator Saves Hubble Camera

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The nose of a two propeller plane.

NASA's Sustainable Aviation STEM Toolkit

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A silver and orange satellite orbiting Earth

Joint Polar Orbiting Weather Satellites

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A blue rectangle logo of a plane in a white circle and white text that says National Air and Space Museum

National Air and Space Museum Educator Resources

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A blue sky with a white rocket launching

Air Force Civilian Careers

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Sir Isaac Newton

Newton's Laws

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Earth & Space Science