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Johannes Kepler

Kepler's Laws

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Earth & Space Science
Collage of illustrations of the Earth, the Sun, and satellites

NOAA Satellite and Information Service Infographics

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Earth & Space Science
Image of a man giving a lecture in front of a satellite in a museum

Ask an Expert -- The Corona Spy Satellite

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Earth & Space Science
LASER Focused: A Model for Teaching Inquiry-Based Science to English Learners - 2017-2018 District Report: Aurora Public Schools

LASER 2017-2018 District Report Highlights: Aurora Public Schools

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Man in camouflage uniform that says US Space force

Join the U.S. Space Force

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Earth & Space Science
Illustration of a rocket launch with text saying Go For Launch FAA.gov/space

Commercial Space Data

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A yellow rectangle with a man in the center looking at an inset image of an image from the James Webb space telescope of the southern ring nebula that is blue oval with red radiating from it.

Astrophysicist Explains first James Webb images

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Earth from space

Space Law-What Laws are There in Space?

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Earth & Space Science
Line art illustration of observatory with text that says NOAO underneath it

Tales of the modern astronomer

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Earth & Space Science
Blue text that says my next move with the o of move being shaped like a compass with two orange arrows

Department of Labor My Next Move - Explore Occupations

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Earth & Space Science
A blue rectangle logo of a plane in a white circle and white text that says National Air and Space Museum

National Air and Space Museum Educator Resources

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Earth & Space Science
A black rectangle with an illustration of a crescent moon and the text NASA eclips

NASA eClips: Careers at NASA - More than just astronauts

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Earth & Space Science
Satellite image of the Milky Way galaxy

Milky Way Explorer

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Earth & Space Science

How Can We Identify Materials Based on Their Properties? Grade 5 Physical Science Trainer Guide

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Grade 5
Physical Science
A blue sky with a rocket launching vertically with white smoke beneath it

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Your Place In Space Career Profiles

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Earth & Space Science
Cover image for STEM Leadership Alliance 2020 presentation

An Integrated Approach to Diversity, Equity, Accessibility and Inclusion in STEM

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Artist rendering of a red dwarf planet with one moon in front of it and one behind

NASA STEM Engagement YouTube channel

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Earth & Space Science
NSF logo of blue globe surrounded by yellow spikes and text that says NSF

Build and use a simple spectroscope

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Earth & Space Science

360 Photos

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A satellite in space with the Earth reflecting in its solar panel

Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites - R Series

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Earth & Space Science
Image of cover of Dressed to protect activity

Dressed to Protect

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Image of the Martian surface of reddish dust and rock and the rover on the right hand side.

Destination Deep Space

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Earth & Space Science
Man in a white coat in front of a large round piece of meatal with text saying Adam Biskner mechanical engineer

Space Hitchhikers: The ESPA Ring

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Earth & Space Science
Illustration of a rocket launch with text saying Go For Launch FAA.gov/space

Licenses & Permits: Commercial Space

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Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Resources for Educators and Students

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Earth & Space Science
Image of 3D printed guitar

Match The Pitch!

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Engineering Design
Magnet Motion Cover

Magnet Motion

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A blue sky with a white rocket launching

Air Force Civilian Careers

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Earth & Space Science
Yellow, orange and black image of the sun with solar flares

Sun STEM Toolkit

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Earth & Space Science
A green and white square with text that says Eyes on Earth with a microphone.

United States Geological Survey's Eyes on Earth Podcast

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Earth & Space Science