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National Air and Space Museum logo of a blue rectangle and a white airplane and white text

Music Time

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Earth & Space Science
Sunrise over Earth from space

An Introduction to Space Weather and the Space Weather Prediction Center

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A blue sky with a white rocket launching

Air Force Civilian Careers

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A satellite with grey body and blue solar panels orbiting Earth.

NGA Explains: What is GPS?

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Telescope observatory at night.

U.S. Space Force: Make History :30 Commercial

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A light blue rectangle with a white jet on the left and white text that says national air and space museum Smithsonian on the right

Women in Aviation and Space History

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Sir Isaac Newton

Newton's Laws

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Man on left of screen with a computer screen behind him.

Cells In Space: Helping Astronauts and Injured Soldiers

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An artistic rendering of a spacecraft with grey body and solar panels.

Spacecraft Subsystems

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Yellow, orange and black image of the sun with solar flares

Sun STEM Toolkit

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Four people standing in front of two computer screens

Universities Space Research Association (USRA) Programs

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Blue satellite pointing down on Earth from orbit

Argos Education

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Image of a man giving a lecture in front of a satellite in a museum

Ask an Expert -- The Corona Spy Satellite

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An artist rendering of a rocket leaving Earth

Launch, Propulsion, and Re-entry

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The side of a building with lettering that says Chapman Training Complex and a news title across the bottom that says this is not space camp.

This is not space camp': Watch how recruits train for US Space Force

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A warehouse with large siver machine in the background with the text NASA featured careers.

NASA Career Categories and Descriptions

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A three tiered purple building with National Museum of African American History and Culture in white text

Through the Window and into the Mirror: Narratives of African American STEM Professionals

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Illustration of a rocket launch with text saying Go For Launch FAA.gov/space

Federal Aviation Administration Commercial Space Transportation Careers

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A view of the night sky in gamma rays so it shows bright green with a small bit of red yellow and blue.

Electromagnetic Spectrum Basics

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silhouette view of a man in front of blue computer network illustration

U.S. Space Force: Origins

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Round seal with a bald eagle in the middle, e pluribus unum on paper in its beak, olive branch in one talon and arrows in the other, vertical depiction of the US flag on its body and a globe behind it. There is a ring of stars around the eagle and globe and then a circle of text that says the Office of the Director of National Intelligence United States of America.

Intelligence Community Career Opportunities; Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math(STEM) Majors

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Black field with tiny white and blue dots representing stars white text that says 30 days with a space and cyber airmen.

Missile Warning and Space Surveillance

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Image of a woman Erin Pettyjohn physicist

Chill Out: Tiny Refrigerator Saves Hubble Camera

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A white rectangle with text saying You for Youth in the top left and a photo of a girl reading a book in the bottom right.

21st Century Community Learning Centers NASA Engineering Design Challenges

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Illustration of Earth, the Moon, and the Sun from left to right and arrows going from Earth to the Moon and Moon to the Sun

NOAA SciJinks: It’s All About the Weather

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Man in a suit stands in front of a clean room with two workers.

Plug-N-Play Satellites

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A classroom of children with their hands raised looking at the teacher

NOAA Educator Opportunities

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Satellite image of the Milky Way galaxy

Milky Way Explorer

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Line art illustration of observatory with text that says NOAO underneath it

Tales of the modern astronomer

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A satellite image of clouds over the United States

NOAA View Data Imagery Portal

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