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Difficult Conversations in Extraordinary Times

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A screen shot of a video with a white play button. The screen shows aurora, the Sun, and a rocket launch.

NOAA Satellites Youtube

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Earth & Space Science

Focus on the Stuff

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Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Resources for Educators and Students

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Earth & Space Science
A gallery of images with a boy looking through eclipse glasses a woman at a computer, two men in a reciprocal bike, a man with a model plane, and a logo with Saturn, a lightbulb, an astronaut, and a plane with text that says Inspire Engage Educated Employ the next generation of explorers.

Exploring Careers @ NASA for Students

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Earth & Space Science
Illustration of a rocket launch with text saying Go For Launch FAA.gov/space

Commercial Space Data

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Round seal with a bald eagle in the middle, e pluribus unum on paper in its beak, olive branch in one talon and arrows in the other, vertical depiction of the US flag on its body and a globe behind it. There is a ring of stars around the eagle and globe and then a circle of text that says the Office of the Director of National Intelligence United States of America.

Intelligence Community Career Opportunities; Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math(STEM) Majors

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Earth & Space Science
Image of stars in the night sky

Space Mission Operations

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Earth & Space Science
Text that says remote sensing classroom

Remote Sensing Classroom

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Earth & Space Science
A warehouse with large siver machine in the background with the text NASA featured careers.

NASA Career Categories and Descriptions

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Earth & Space Science
A dark blue circle with a yellow telescope and planet with orange text that says science research mentoring program

Harvard-MIT Science Research Mentoring Program

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Earth & Space Science

IDEAS in STEM: Building Positive STEM Identities in Students with Disabilities

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A yellow cover of a grade 1 engineering teachers guide

How Can We Send a Message Using Sound?

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Grade 1
Engineering Design
Artistic line art rendering of a satellite with green gas coming out of it.

Space Environment

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Earth & Space Science
Image of 3D printed guitar

Match The Pitch!

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Engineering Design
A full moon above a treeline.

Introduction to Moon Trees

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Earth & Space Science
Globe program logo with illustration of three children's silhouette's around a illustrated earth and text that says The Globe Program.

Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program

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Earth & Space Science
Man looking at camera with bookshelf behind him.

Matthew Tan, Aerospace Engineering Student at Stanford

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Earth & Space Science
silhouette view of a man in front of blue computer network illustration

U.S. Space Force: Origins

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Earth & Space Science
Illustrated women pointing to irrigation system

Earth Observation Case Study: Using Landsat to Map Agricultural Yields and Irrigation

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Earth & Space Science
A white rectangle with blue text that says in Spanish Hispanos de la NASA.

Hispanos de la NASA

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Earth & Space Science
A blue background with a five students surrounding an educator with long dark brown hair examining a group of plants.

Educating for Sustainable Development: Opportunities for Progress in the U.S.

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Dr. Drew, Density, & Diffusion Cover Image

Dr. Drew, Density, & Diffusion: Dr. Charles Richard Drew Giving Life Through Blood Research

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Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
A yellow rectangle with a man in the center looking at an inset image of an image from the James Webb space telescope of the southern ring nebula that is blue oval with red radiating from it.

Astrophysicist Explains first James Webb images

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cover of the Energy Grade 4 Engineering Trainer Guide

Energy Grade 4 Engineering Trainer Guide

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Grade 4
Engineering Design
Illustration of Earth with satellite orbiting it

2-Body Equation of Motion

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Earth & Space Science
Engineering Circuits activity cover

Engineering Circuits

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Grade 8
Astronaut in the Space Station looking out a window down onto Earth.

Space Junk Around Earth

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Earth & Space Science
Text that says Wizards of Wright

WOW! In the Classroom

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Earth & Space Science
Illustration of a rocket launch with text saying Go For Launch FAA.gov/space

Operations in the NAS

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