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A classroom of children with their hands raised looking at the teacher

NOAA Educator Opportunities

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Earth & Space Science

Explore Smithsonian: How do Orchids Attract Pollinators?

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Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Life Science
A landscape image with a concrete rectangular

Inside RAF Fylingdales: The Ballistic Missile Warning Base | Forces TV

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Earth & Space Science

Natural Selection: Common Misconceptions

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Life Science
An illustrated image of a living room with a couch and a tv and white wave lines going across the image in all directions

NASA - Tour of the Electromagnetic Spectrum

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Earth & Space Science
Sunrise over Earth from space

An Introduction to Space Weather and the Space Weather Prediction Center

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Earth & Space Science
Illustration of Earth, the Moon, and the Sun from left to right and arrows going from Earth to the Moon and Moon to the Sun

NOAA SciJinks: It’s All About the Weather

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Earth & Space Science
Artist rendering of a red dwarf planet with one moon in front of it and one behind

NASA STEM Engagement YouTube channel

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Earth & Space Science
Image of the Martian surface of reddish dust and rock and the rover on the right hand side.

Destination Deep Space

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Earth & Space Science
Round seal with a bald eagle in the middle, e pluribus unum on paper in its beak, olive branch in one talon and arrows in the other, vertical depiction of the US flag on its body and a globe behind it. There is a ring of stars around the eagle and globe and then a circle of text that says the Office of the Director of National Intelligence United States of America.

Intelligence Community Career Opportunities; Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math(STEM) Majors

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Earth & Space Science
A screen shot of a CNN video with of a command rom with mand standing in the center, two screens behind him, and a title at the bottom that say inside look at U.S. space force.

Life-saving warning': How Space Force detected missile launch

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Earth & Space Science

Rainy Day Fabrics

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Earth & Space Science
A green and white square with text that says Eyes on Earth with a microphone.

United States Geological Survey's Eyes on Earth Podcast

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Earth & Space Science
A black rectangle with an illustration of a crescent moon and the text NASA eclips

NASA eClips: Careers at NASA - More than just astronauts

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Earth & Space Science
Home on the Range title screen

Home on the Range

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Grade 2
Life Science
A white square with six cards spread out wtih images of a telescope, the sun, and arura as well as a student data sheet.

National Science Foundation and National Solar Observatory Google Classrooms

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Earth & Space Science
A desert habitat in Habitats


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Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Life Science
Two service members one standing on the ground one sitting in a flight simulator.

Spin Cycle: Training for High G Flying

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Earth & Space Science
An orangutan hangs from a tree in a moderately dense forest

Earth Optimism Indonesia TV | Earth Optimism Education Series

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Life Science
A blue globe with text that says NSF a ring of gold spikes around the globe.

Astronomy & Astrophysics Classroom Resources

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Earth & Space Science
A close up view of the James Webb Space Telescope's gold hexoganal primary mirror.

James Webb Space Telescope STEM Toolkit

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Earth & Space Science

Explore Smithsonian: How can Scientists Track the Movement of an Invasive Species of Fish?

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Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Life Science
A group of students around s model of the Martian surface.


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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science

Explore Smithsonian: How Can We Know About the Reproductive Cycle of an Animal by Its Poop?

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Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Life Science
Image of a man giving a lecture in front of a satellite in a museum

Ask an Expert -- The Corona Spy Satellite

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Earth & Space Science
Cover of the Climate action guide with an imag of Earth from space

Climate Action! How can we mitigate human impacts on the atmosphere?

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Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
High School
Earth & Space Science
Illustrated Earth in bottom left with images of the landsat satellites orbiting and the title Ladies of Landsat Power of the Pixel.

Earth Observation User Case Study: Power of the Pixel - 1972 to 2021

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Earth & Space Science
Satellite image of water and land on earth with text that says Earth as art

Earth As Art

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Earth & Space Science
Man looking at camera with bookshelf behind him.

Matthew Tan, Aerospace Engineering Student at Stanford

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Earth & Space Science
Man in a white coat in front of a large round piece of meatal with text saying Adam Biskner mechanical engineer

Space Hitchhikers: The ESPA Ring

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science