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A gallery of images with a boy looking through eclipse glasses a woman at a computer, two men in a reciprocal bike, a man with a model plane, and a logo with Saturn, a lightbulb, an astronaut, and a plane with text that says Inspire Engage Educated Employ the next generation of explorers.

Exploring Careers @ NASA for Students

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Earth & Space Science
Two service members one standing on the ground one sitting in a flight simulator.

Spin Cycle: Training for High G Flying

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Earth & Space Science
Man in a suit stands in front of a clean room with two workers.

Plug-N-Play Satellites

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Earth & Space Science
Earth from space

Space Law-What Laws are There in Space?

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Earth & Space Science
An illustrated image of a living room with a couch and a tv and white wave lines going across the image in all directions

NASA - Tour of the Electromagnetic Spectrum

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Earth & Space Science

Explore Smithsonian: How Are Optical Instruments Tested Before Space Flight?

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Grade 3
Grade 4
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Grade 6
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Grade 8
Earth & Space Science
Image of a woman Erin Pettyjohn physicist

Chill Out: Tiny Refrigerator Saves Hubble Camera

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Earth & Space Science
Storm Smart title screen, showing the title (Storm Smart), the play button, the credits button, and links to the Smithsonian Institution Privacy Statement and Smithsonian Kids Online Privacy Statement

Storm Smart

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Earth & Space Science

Rainy Day Fabrics

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Earth & Space Science
A blue rectangle logo of a plane in a white circle and white text that says National Air and Space Museum

National Air and Space Museum Educator Resources

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Earth & Space Science
A full moon above a treeline.

Introduction to Moon Trees

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Earth & Space Science

Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Resources for Educators and Students

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Earth & Space Science
Globe program logo with illustration of three children's silhouette's around a illustrated earth and text that says The Globe Program.

Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program

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Earth & Space Science
A black pixilated backgorund with outlines of the continents with white text that says STEM activities.

Space Force STEM Activities

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Earth & Space Science
A black rectangle with an illustration of a crescent moon and the text NASA eclips

NASA eClips: Careers at NASA - More than just astronauts

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Earth & Space Science
Illustration of the Earth and a satellite with an arrow showing gravity pulling toward the Earth.


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Earth & Space Science
Text saying Air Force STEM k-12 with an illustrated eagle

Air Force K-12 Activities

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Earth & Space Science
Black field with tiny white and blue dots representing stars white text that says 30 days with a space and cyber airmen.

Missile Warning and Space Surveillance

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Earth & Space Science
The side of a building with lettering that says Chapman Training Complex and a news title across the bottom that says this is not space camp.

This is not space camp': Watch how recruits train for US Space Force

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Earth & Space Science
Man in military uniform looking at camera

Robert Latta, Aerospace Engineer

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Earth & Space Science
A student working on a model.

Air Force Legacy

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Earth & Space Science
Satellite image of water and land on earth with text that says Earth as art

Earth As Art

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Earth & Space Science

Teacher Tips: Weather

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Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
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Grade 5
Earth & Space Science
Satellite above earth with text that says landsats

Earth Resources and Observation Science Center Overview

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Earth & Space Science

Studying Soils: Claims and Evidence

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Earth & Space Science
Composite image of stars from the Chandra X-ray Telescope

Explore Smithsonian: How Do Astronomers See the Invisible Parts of the Universe?

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Grade 3
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Grade 8
Earth & Space Science
Logo that says Ladies of Landsat with a rendering of a landsat satelight

Ladies of Landsat

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Earth & Space Science

Interview with a Smithsonian Scientist: Dr. Cari

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Earth & Space Science
Night sky with silhouettes of trees with a bright green streak in the sky

Space Weather and Earth's Aurora

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Earth & Space Science
Man in camouflage uniform that says US Space force

Join the U.S. Space Force

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Earth & Space Science