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America's First Food Spy Podcasting Module

America's First Food Spy Podcasting Module

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A blue sky with a white rocket launching

Air Force Civilian Careers

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science
A view of the night sky in gamma rays so it shows bright green with a small bit of red yellow and blue.

Electromagnetic Spectrum Basics

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Earth & Space Science

USPTO's National Summer Teacher Institute

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A blue sky with a rocket launching vertically with white smoke beneath it

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Your Place In Space Career Profiles

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Earth & Space Science
Photo of a room of students with a model Earth suspended above them and text that says Science on a Sphere

NOAA Science on a Sphere

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Earth & Space Science
An astronaut in a spacesuit on a spacewalk.

The U.S. Army in Space today and in the future

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Earth & Space Science
Illustration of the earth from space and a orbit around it.

Conservation of Energy & Momentum

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Earth & Space Science
Illustration of the Earth and a satellite with an arrow showing gravity pulling toward the Earth.


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Earth & Space Science
Ouch I Need A Bandage activity cover

Ouch! I Need a Bandage: Designing, Constructing, and Packaging a Bandage

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Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Engineering Design
Man on left of screen with a computer screen behind him.

Cells In Space: Helping Astronauts and Injured Soldiers

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Earth & Space Science
Weather Widget Cover

Weather Widget

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Circular logo with a navy blue globe in the center and a ring of puzzle pieces around the globe. The puzzle pieces are all shades of blue and have white icons in them. The icons are a plant, telescope, rocket, robotic arm, book, flask, and  shield with a satellite.

Space Career Resource Guide

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Cover of the Keep it Balanced activity with an illustration of the endocrine system and a hand holding cards that say blood sugar increases and blood sugar decreases

Keep it Balanced

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Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Life Science
Image of the interior of an observatory with white metal structure looking down at the primary mirror of the telescope.

How much corn could DKIST pop if DKIST could pop corn?

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blue circle with red swoosh through it and NASA in white text with a white circle vertical around the a and s.

NASA STEM Engagement

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Earth & Space Science
cover of the How Can We Provide Freshwater to Those in Need? Grade 5 Engineering Trainer Guide

How Can We Provide Freshwater to Those in Need? Grade 5 Engineering Trainer Guide

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Grade 5
Engineering Design
Cover of the How Can We Protect Animals When Their Habiatat Changes? Grade 3 Engineering Trainer Guide

How Can We Protect Animals When Their Habitat Changes? Grade 3 Engineering Trainer Guide

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Grade 3
Engineering Design
An artist rendering of a rocket leaving Earth

Launch, Propulsion, and Re-entry

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Earth & Space Science
A warehouse with large siver machine in the background with the text NASA featured careers.

NASA Career Categories and Descriptions

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Earth & Space Science
Penguin Protection title screen

Penguin Protection

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Grade 1
Life Science
Text that says Wizards of Wright

WOW! In the Classroom

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Earth & Space Science
What's the Code? activity cover

What's the Code? Coding Robot Movements Using Sound

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Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Engineering Design
A satellite with grey body and blue solar panels orbiting Earth.

NGA Explains: What is GPS?

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science
A gallery of images with a boy looking through eclipse glasses a woman at a computer, two men in a reciprocal bike, a man with a model plane, and a logo with Saturn, a lightbulb, an astronaut, and a plane with text that says Inspire Engage Educated Employ the next generation of explorers.

Exploring Careers @ NASA for Students

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Earth & Space Science
A student working on a model.

Air Force Legacy

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Earth & Space Science
Black field with white text that says United States Space Force

U.S. Space Force Commercial: Space Is Hard

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Earth & Space Science
Illustration of Earth, the Moon, and the Sun from left to right and arrows going from Earth to the Moon and Moon to the Sun

NOAA SciJinks: It’s All About the Weather

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Earth & Space Science
A close up version of the surface of the Moon with white text that says Artemis STEM learning pathway and the Artemis logo of a white A with a red swoosh through it  a blue quarter circle underneath it and white text that says Artemis.

Artemis I STEM Learning Pathway

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Earth & Space Science
White rectangle with blue text that says Space Dynamics Laboratory Utah State University

Space Dynamics Lab STEM K-12

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science