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Line art illustration of observatory with text that says NOAO underneath it

Tales of the modern astronomer

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Earth & Space Science

Interview with a Smithsonian Scientist: Dr. Michael Wise

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Earth & Space Science
A satellite in space with the Earth reflecting in its solar panel

Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites - R Series

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Earth & Space Science
Black field with white text that says United States Space Force

U.S. Space Force Commercial: Space Is Hard

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Earth & Space Science
Cover of the Climate action guide with an imag of Earth from space

Climate Action! How can we mitigate human impacts on the atmosphere?

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Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
High School
Earth & Space Science
Four people standing in front of two computer screens

Universities Space Research Association (USRA) Programs

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Earth & Space Science
A light blue rectangle with a white jet on the left and white text that says national air and space museum Smithsonian on the right

Women in Aviation and Space History

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Earth & Space Science

‘Tis the Season for a Reason

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Earth & Space Science
Illustration of Earth with three concentric circles around it.

Orbit Types

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Earth & Space Science
NSF logo of blue globe surrounded by yellow spikes and text that says NSF

Build and use a simple spectroscope

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Earth & Space Science
Main screen for the educational earth science app, Weather Lab

Weather Lab

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Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Earth & Space Science
A screen shot of a CNN video with of a command rom with mand standing in the center, two screens behind him, and a title at the bottom that say inside look at U.S. space force.

Life-saving warning': How Space Force detected missile launch

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Earth & Space Science
Image of a woman Erin Pettyjohn physicist

Chill Out: Tiny Refrigerator Saves Hubble Camera

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Earth & Space Science

Unified Geologic Map of the Moon

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Earth & Space Science

Teacher Tips: Land and Water

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Earth & Space Science
Man in a suit stands in front of a clean room with two workers.

Plug-N-Play Satellites

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Earth & Space Science
A red rectangle with two women on the right and left side and the text Women at NASA

NASA's Women in STEM

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Earth & Space Science
A blue globe with text that says NSF a ring of gold spikes around the globe.

Astronomy & Astrophysics Classroom Resources

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Earth & Space Science
Johannes Kepler

Kepler's Laws

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Earth & Space Science
An illustrated image of a living room with a couch and a tv and white wave lines going across the image in all directions

NASA - Tour of the Electromagnetic Spectrum

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Earth & Space Science
The side of a building with lettering that says Chapman Training Complex and a news title across the bottom that says this is not space camp.

This is not space camp': Watch how recruits train for US Space Force

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Earth & Space Science
Large hadron collider

Magnetism - Defending Our Planet, Defining The Cosmos

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Earth & Space Science
Illustration of Earth, the Moon, and the Sun from left to right and arrows going from Earth to the Moon and Moon to the Sun

NOAA SciJinks: It’s All About the Weather

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Earth & Space Science
An Illustration of two people in spacesuits with Earth in the background and white text that says Artemis Camp.

Artemis Camp Experience

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Earth & Space Science
silhouette view of a man in front of blue computer network illustration

U.S. Space Force: Origins

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Earth & Space Science
Composite image of stars from the Chandra X-ray Telescope

Explore Smithsonian: How Do Astronomers See the Invisible Parts of the Universe?

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Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Earth & Space Science
The nose of a two propeller plane.

NASA's Sustainable Aviation STEM Toolkit

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Earth & Space Science
A close up view of the James Webb Space Telescope's gold hexoganal primary mirror.

James Webb Space Telescope STEM Toolkit

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Earth & Space Science
Illustration of a Navajo woman with short brown hair and embroidered blouse and the Navajo Nation flag.

Earth Observation User Case: Speaking a New Language of Landsat (Ladies of Landsat)

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Earth & Space Science
Large image of the Moon with a person in a chair looking at the image and a computer screen

National Geospatial -Intelligence Agency Mapping Moments: Lunar Module Simulator

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Earth & Space Science