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Photo of a beam of light coming from a flashlight

How Can I Win a Game of Flashlight Tag?

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Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Physical Science
Artistic line art rendering of a satellite with green gas coming out of it.

Space Environment

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Earth & Space Science
Illustrated Earth in space with two orbit circle around it

Orbital Mechanics

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Earth & Space Science

STC Assessment Guide: Animal Studies

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Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Where Does the Water Go? Cover Image

Where Does the Water Go? Calculating a Neighborhood Water Footprint

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Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Engineering Design
LASER Focused: A Model for Teaching Inquiry-Based Science to English Learners - 2017-2018 District Report: Aurora Public Schools

LASER 2017-2018 District Report Highlights: Aurora Public Schools

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Artist rendering of a red dwarf planet with one moon in front of it and one behind

NASA STEM Engagement YouTube channel

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Earth & Space Science
Ouch I Need A Bandage activity cover

Ouch! I Need a Bandage: Designing, Constructing, and Packaging a Bandage

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Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Engineering Design
Illustration of cubesat satellite with grey hexagonal body and blue solar panel wings

Build a CubeSat!

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Earth & Space Science
A screen shot of a video with a white play button. The screen shows aurora, the Sun, and a rocket launch.

NOAA Satellites Youtube

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Earth & Space Science
A line art illustration of a person reaching for a yellow star with text that says Soaring beyond expectations

21st CCLC Summer Symposium Plenary, "Girls in STEM" featuring NASA women.

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Earth & Space Science
Artistic rendering of a satellite orbiting the moon.

NASA: Faces of Technology

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Earth & Space Science
A black rectangle with a man on the left side and in illustration of an array of hexagonal gold mirrors and text saying Webb Space Telescope.

Astrophysicist Answers YouTube's James Webb question

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cover of the Earth's Systems Grade 5 Engineering Trainer Guide

Earth's Systems Grade 5 Engineering Trainer Guide

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Grade 5
Engineering Design
NIST logo in black

NIST Summer Institute for Middle School Science Teachers

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Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Resources for Educators and Students

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Earth & Space Science
A green and white square with text that says Eyes on Earth with a microphone.

United States Geological Survey's Eyes on Earth Podcast

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Earth & Space Science
LASER Focused: A Model for Teaching Inquiry-Based Science to English Learners - 2017-2018 District Report: Denver Public Schools

LASER 2017-2018 District Report Highlights: Denver Public Schools

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Illustration of Earth with satellite orbiting it

2-Body Equation of Motion

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Earth & Space Science
blue circle with red swoosh through it and NASA in white text with a white circle vertical around the a and s.

NASA STEM Engagement

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Earth & Space Science
Image of Earth from space with text that says lava flows

EROS Image of the Week

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Earth & Space Science
Mini Golf Motion Title

Mini Golf Motion

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Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Physical Science
LASER Focused on English Learners: PD plus an inquiry-based science curriculum improves K-8 teachers' perceived ability to support ELs and reduces the achievement gap in math and reading

LASER Focused on English Learners - OELA 2020 Poster

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A desert habitat in Habitats


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Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Life Science

STC Program: Sound Unit Kit, 3rd Edition

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Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
A blue sky with a rocket launching vertically with white smoke beneath it

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Your Place In Space Career Profiles

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Earth & Space Science
Illustration of the earth from space and a orbit around it.

Conservation of Energy & Momentum

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Earth & Space Science
A bee with a space helmet riding a rocket with a black background

USDA Forest Service Module

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Earth & Space Science
An illustrated image of a living room with a couch and a tv and white wave lines going across the image in all directions

NASA - Tour of the Electromagnetic Spectrum

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Earth & Space Science
Illustration of a rocket launch with text saying Go For Launch FAA.gov/space

Commercial Space Data

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