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A screen shot of a video with a white play button. The screen shows aurora, the Sun, and a rocket launch.

NOAA Satellites Youtube

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Earth & Space Science
Image of a man giving a lecture in front of a satellite in a museum

Ask an Expert -- The Corona Spy Satellite

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Earth & Space Science
A black rectangle with an illustration of a crescent moon and the text NASA eclips

NASA eClips: Careers at NASA - More than just astronauts

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Earth & Space Science
Logo that says Ladies of Landsat with a rendering of a landsat satelight

Ladies of Landsat

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Earth & Space Science
A blue background with a five students surrounding an educator with long dark brown hair examining a group of plants.

Educating for Sustainable Development: Opportunities for Progress in the U.S.

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NIST logo in black

NIST Summer Institute for Middle School Science Teachers

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Two service members one standing on the ground one sitting in a flight simulator.

Spin Cycle: Training for High G Flying

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Earth & Space Science
LASER Focused: A Model for Teaching Inquiry-Based Science to English Learners - 2017-2018 District Report: Aurora Public Schools

LASER 2017-2018 District Report Highlights: Aurora Public Schools

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Cover of Educating for Sustainable development perspectives of US and Global Educators

Educating for Sustainable Development: Perspectives of U.S. and Global Educators Report

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Cover image for STEM Leadership Alliance 2020 presentation

An Integrated Approach to Diversity, Equity, Accessibility and Inclusion in STEM

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Photo of a room of students with a model Earth suspended above them and text that says Science on a Sphere

NOAA Science on a Sphere

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Earth & Space Science

Panel: Transforming STEM Education and Industry through an Accessibility Lens

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World's Deadliest Animal Podcasting Module

World's Deadliest Animal Podcasting Module

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Life Science
A gallery of images with a boy looking through eclipse glasses a woman at a computer, two men in a reciprocal bike, a man with a model plane, and a logo with Saturn, a lightbulb, an astronaut, and a plane with text that says Inspire Engage Educated Employ the next generation of explorers.

Exploring Careers @ NASA for Students

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Earth & Space Science
Image of 3D printed water filter

Filter Fun!

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Engineering Design
Title of the Includes sourcebook with the Smithsonian Science Education Center, NSF, and Howard University logos

Building Networks and Enhancing Diversity in the K-12 STEM Teaching Workforce

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cover of the How Can We Provide Energy to People's Homes? Grade 4 Engineering Trainer Guide

How Can We Provide Energy to People's Homes? Grade 4 Engineering Trainer Guide

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Grade 4
Engineering Design
Telescope observatory at night.

U.S. Space Force: Make History :30 Commercial

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Earth & Space Science
Collage of illustrations of the Earth, the Sun, and satellites

NOAA Satellite and Information Service Infographics

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Earth & Space Science
LASER Focused on English Learners: PD plus an inquiry-based science curriculum improves K-8 teachers' perceived ability to support ELs and reduces the achievement gap in math and reading

LASER Focused on English Learners - OELA 2020 Poster

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Illustration of a rocket launch with text saying Go For Launch FAA.gov/space

Operations in the NAS

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Be Mosquito Smart: Know the Enemy Cover Image

Be Mosquito Smart: Know the Enemy

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Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Food Chain Fix Title

Food Chain Fix

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Cover for Build Your Own Stylus

Build Your Own Touch Screen Stylus

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Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Illustration of Earth with three concentric circles around it.

Orbit Types

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Earth & Space Science
Map of the moon with text that says astrogeology planets and moons.

Astralgeology - Planets and Moons

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Providing STEM Education to Underserved and Vulnerable Populations PowerPoint

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Virtual Sungazing paper cover with three illustrations one of a sunset, one midday sun, and one sunset.

Virtual Sungazing

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A gallery of eight people  and text hat says acquisitions, administration, aircraft maintenance, animal care, auditing, chaplain, civil engineering, and information technology.

Air Force Civilian Careers

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Earth & Space Science
Swing Along with a Pendulum: Clocking a Second Cover Image

Swing Along with a Pendulum: Clocking a Second

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Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8