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Understanding Weather and Climate– Lesson 5: Convection Current in the Air

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Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Earth & Space Science
Cover for Changing Earth

Changing Earth

Filed Under
Grade 2
Engineering Design

Rocks and Minerals– Creating Take Home Field Guides

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Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Earth & Space Science
A blue sky with a white rocket launching

Air Force Civilian Careers

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science
Illustration of a woman at a computer writing on paper

Earth Observation User Case: Using Landsat to Connect Space to Village

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science

Land and Water– Lesson 2/3 The Water Cycle: Modeling Land and Water

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Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Earth & Space Science
Smithsonian Science for the Classroom grade 5 engineering cover

How Can We Protect and Clean Earth's Water?

Filed Under
Grade 5
Engineering Design
The yellow cover of a kindergarten engineering teachers guide

How Can We Stay Cool in the Sun?

Filed Under
Engineering Design
A satellite in space with the Earth reflecting in its solar panel

Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites - R Series

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science

Rainy Day Fabrics

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science
Artist rendering of a red dwarf planet with one moon in front of it and one behind

NASA STEM Engagement YouTube channel

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Earth & Space Science
Text saying Air Force STEM k-12 with an illustrated eagle

Air Force K-12 Activities

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science
Text that says remote sensing classroom

Remote Sensing Classroom

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science
Cover for Everyday Energy

Everyday Energy

Filed Under
Grade 4
Engineering Design
Artistic rendering of a satellite orbiting the moon.

NASA: Faces of Technology

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science
Four people standing in front of two computer screens

Universities Space Research Association (USRA) Programs

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Earth & Space Science
A gallery of images with a boy looking through eclipse glasses a woman at a computer, two men in a reciprocal bike, a man with a model plane, and a logo with Saturn, a lightbulb, an astronaut, and a plane with text that says Inspire Engage Educated Employ the next generation of explorers.

Exploring Careers @ NASA for Students

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science
Black field with white text that says United States Space Force

U.S. Space Force Commercial: Space Is Hard

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science

Ecosystems– Material Consideration

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Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Earth & Space Science
An artistic rendering of a spacecraft with grey body and solar panels.

Spacecraft Subsystems

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science

Ecosystems– Lesson 7: Joining Terrarium and Aquarium

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Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Earth & Space Science
A three tiered purple building with National Museum of African American History and Culture in white text

Through the Window and into the Mirror: Narratives of African American STEM Professionals

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science
White rectangle with blue text that says Space Dynamics Laboratory Utah State University

Space Dynamics Lab STEM K-12

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science
An astronaut in a spacesuit on a spacewalk.

The U.S. Army in Space today and in the future

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Earth & Space Science
A black pixilated backgorund with outlines of the continents with white text that says STEM activities.

Space Force STEM Activities

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Earth & Space Science
A white rectangle with text saying You for Youth in the top left and a photo of a girl reading a book in the bottom right.

21st Century Community Learning Centers NASA Engineering Design Challenges

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science
A gallery of eight people  and text hat says acquisitions, administration, aircraft maintenance, animal care, auditing, chaplain, civil engineering, and information technology.

Air Force Civilian Careers

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science
Photo of a room of students with a model Earth suspended above them and text that says Science on a Sphere

NOAA Science on a Sphere

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science
Image of the Martian surface of reddish dust and rock and the rover on the right hand side.

Destination Deep Space

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science

STC-Secondary™: Researching the Sun-Earth-Moon System

Filed Under
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Earth & Space Science