
We're Launching Some Exciting Stuff

There have been a lot of changes around here, starting with our name! In order to better reflect our history and mission, we are now the Smithsonian Science Education Center (formerly National Science Resources Center). Our name has changed but our commitment hasn't: we are dedicated to a research-based approach to transforming science education and we continue to produce high-quality, inquiry-based curriculum.

Rocket Ship Graphic

In addition to the services and curriculum that have transformed so many school districts across the country and the world, we'll have a stronger digital presence, and this shiny new website is just one step towards that effort. 

Keep an eye on our new blog where we will share digital STEM resources, tell you about exciting science-related happenings and exhibits from around Smithsonian, and share cutting-edge science and science education research that is classroom-friendly. We'll also hear from teachers who use our curriculum and participate in our professional development.

Follow us on Twitter where we share exciting news from science, science education, and educational technology. We look forward to growing with you!

About the Author

Marjee Chmiel, PhD

Marjee is the Director of Evaluation and Editorial Development at Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Marjee previous worked at the Smithsonian Science Education Center as the Division Director of Curriculum and Communications. Marjee has an undergraduate degree in chemistry and a master's degree in curriculum design, both from Marquette University. Her PhD is from George Mason University in Educational Research and Evaluation Methods.