Santa Fe Students Participating in SSEC's "Always Thinking Like a Scientist (ATLAS)" Program Pledge Water Conservation

April 5, 2019

Fourteen Santa Fe students have been participating in an after-school project supported by the Smithsonian Science Education Center about how the world’s population will access water in the face of climate change. According to numbers from the Intergovernmental Panel Report on Climate Change, between 40% and 50% of the world’s population will experience water stress by the year 2100. But the world is a big place and 2100 seems a long way off to 5th- and 6th-graders, so the ATLAS after-school program--Always Thinking Like a Scientist--focuses students on local impacts in the year 2040, when many of the project participants might have children of their own. Delara Sharma, the teacher leading Santa Fe ATLAS, and her teaching partner, scientist Dr. Joel Berendzen, hopes the modules she and her team are writing will form part of the "Smithsonian Science for Global Goals" community research guides for use worldwide.

Students in Santa Fe's Always Thinking Like a Scientist after-school program