
How Can We Change an Object’s Motion?

How Can We Change an Object’s Motion?

In this sequence of videos, students design, build, and test a tabletop hockey game. Before making their design, students test materials to use for a paddle and walls. Next, students build and test a model to figure out how a mini golf feature works.

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Paddle Testing

Students are asked to help Ada design a hockey game that can be played at home. Students are asked to test three paddles and record their observations.


Wall Testing

Students talk about the results of their paddle testing. Then they figure out that their game needs walls. Students are asked to test four materials for walls and record their observations.


Design My Hockey Game

Students talk about the results of their wall testing. Students are asked to design and build their hockey game.


Hockey Game Testing

Students test their hockey games and talk about the results.


Mini Golf Mystery Part 1

Ada saw a feature on a mini golf course that changed the direction of a ball’s motion. Students are asked to make a model to figure out how the feature worked.


Mini Golf Mystery Part 2

Students test their model of the mini golf feature. Students talk about the results of their test.