STEM Education for Social Good
STEM Education for Social Good
In the era of COVID-19, racial and gender inequities, climate change, and the digital divide, STEM educators play a critical role in helping students discover, understand, and act on real-world challenges that affect us. In this video, the Director of the Smithsonian Science Education Center (SSEC), Dr. Carol O’Donnell, discusses teaching inquiry-based STEM education (IBSE) in complex times and how the Smithsonian is integrating topics from the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into curriculum as a framework for helping students maintain high interest in STEM as a path to social good. Dr O’Donnell draws on example lessons from "Smithsonian Science for the Classroom" and "Smithsonian Science for Global Goals" to demonstrate how to teach complex global topics in your STEM classroom.
To learn more, also see the SSEC's recent chapter published in the book “Education Around the Globe: Creating Opportunities and Transforming Lives”