How Does Motion Energy Change in a Collision?
How Does Motion Energy Change in a Collision?
How Does Motion Energy Change in a Collision? is part of Smithsonian Science for the Classroom, a brand new curriculum series by the Smithsonian Science Education Center. It is aligned to a group of grade 4 standards. It has a focus on physical science with a secondary focus on life science and engineering. In this module, students:
- Calculate speeds by measuring distance and time
- Obtain information from a reading on how internal structures make some animals move fast
- Learn about how motion energy can move and change
- Obtain information from a reading about the effects of collisions in sports
- Design an object that can reduce motion energy in sports collisions
- Ask questions about how motion energy can change in a car crash
Below are digital resources that support teaching of this module.
This link shows a NASCAR racer crashing into a SAFER barrier, which absorbs the impact of the crash.
Fastest on Land
Cher Ami
This link provides age-appropriate information on the role of the carrier pigeon named Cher Ami in the First World War.
Marble Game
Speed Skater
Science Challenge
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Presentation Requirements
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