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An illustrated image of a living room with a couch and a tv and white wave lines going across the image in all directions

NASA - Tour of the Electromagnetic Spectrum

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Earth & Space Science
Cover of the Climate action guide with an imag of Earth from space

Climate Action! How can we mitigate human impacts on the atmosphere?

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Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
High School
Earth & Space Science
National Air and Space Museum logo of a blue rectangle and a white airplane and white text

Music Time

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Earth & Space Science
Logo that says Ladies of Landsat with a rendering of a landsat satelight

Ladies of Landsat

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Earth & Space Science
A screen shot of a CNN video with of a command rom with mand standing in the center, two screens behind him, and a title at the bottom that say inside look at U.S. space force.

Life-saving warning': How Space Force detected missile launch

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Earth & Space Science
Man in a white coat in front of a large round piece of meatal with text saying Adam Biskner mechanical engineer

Space Hitchhikers: The ESPA Ring

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Earth & Space Science
Sunrise over Earth from space

An Introduction to Space Weather and the Space Weather Prediction Center

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Earth & Space Science
A red rectangle with two women on the right and left side and the text Women at NASA

NASA's Women in STEM

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Earth & Space Science
A blue rectangle logo of a plane in a white circle and white text that says National Air and Space Museum

National Air and Space Museum Educator Resources

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Earth & Space Science
The cover of the grade 1 earth science teachers guide

How Can We Predict When The Sky Will Be Dark?

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Grade 1
Earth & Space Science
The nose of a two propeller plane.

NASA's Sustainable Aviation STEM Toolkit

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Earth & Space Science
Johannes Kepler

Kepler's Laws

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Earth & Space Science
blue circle with red swoosh through it and NASA in white text with a white circle vertical around the a and s.

NASA STEM Engagement

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Earth & Space Science
LASER Focused: A Model for Teaching Inquiry-Based Science to English Learners - 2018-2019 District Report: Aurora Public Schools

LASER 2018-2019 District Report: Aurora Public Schools

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A landscape image with a concrete rectangular

Inside RAF Fylingdales: The Ballistic Missile Warning Base | Forces TV

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Earth & Space Science
A blue background with a five students surrounding an educator with long dark brown hair examining a group of plants.

Educating for Sustainable Development: Opportunities for Progress in the U.S.

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Title of the Includes sourcebook with the Smithsonian Science Education Center, NSF, and Howard University logos

Building Networks and Enhancing Diversity in the K-12 STEM Teaching Workforce

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Focus on the Stuff

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A gallery of eight people  and text hat says acquisitions, administration, aircraft maintenance, animal care, auditing, chaplain, civil engineering, and information technology.

Air Force Civilian Careers

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Earth & Space Science
Man on left of screen with a computer screen behind him.

Cells In Space: Helping Astronauts and Injured Soldiers

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Earth & Space Science
Artistic line art rendering of a satellite with green gas coming out of it.

Space Environment

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Earth & Space Science
Students working at computers

Aerospace Corporation Careers

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Earth & Space Science
Black square with white text that says SOAR department of the Air Force

Department of the Air Force SOAR Educational Videos

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Earth & Space Science
Man with brown hair looking into camera with a bookshelf behind him.

Nirav Patel, Geospatial Data Scientist

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Earth & Space Science
Illustration of a woman at a computer writing on paper

Earth Observation User Case: Using Landsat to Connect Space to Village

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Earth & Space Science
Man sitting at desk looking at a laptop and two large screens with a photo of land from high up in the air

Exclusive: Get An Inside Look At The US Space Force

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Earth & Space Science
Illustration of the earth from space and a orbit around it.

Conservation of Energy & Momentum

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Earth & Space Science
Black field with white text that says United States Space Force

U.S. Space Force Commercial: Space Is Hard

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Earth & Space Science
Cover of Climate Action in Spanish

¡Lucha Contra El Cambio Climatico! ¿Cómo podemos mitigar el impacto humano en la atmósfera?

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Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
High School
Earth & Space Science
White rectangle with blue text that says Space Dynamics Laboratory Utah State University

Space Dynamics Lab STEM K-12

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Earth & Space Science