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Understanding Weather and Climate– Lesson 5: Convection Current in the Air

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Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Earth & Space Science
Blue satellite pointing down on Earth from orbit

Argos Education

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science
A black pixilated backgorund with outlines of the continents with white text that says STEM activities.

Space Force STEM Activities

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science
A full moon above a treeline.

Introduction to Moon Trees

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science
Image of Earth from space with text that says lava flows

EROS Image of the Week

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Earth & Space Science
Illustration of a woman at a computer writing on paper

Earth Observation User Case: Using Landsat to Connect Space to Village

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Earth & Space Science
Man in a white coat in front of a large round piece of meatal with text saying Adam Biskner mechanical engineer

Space Hitchhikers: The ESPA Ring

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Earth & Space Science
Man looking at camera with bookshelf behind him.

Matthew Tan, Aerospace Engineering Student at Stanford

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Earth & Space Science
Black field with tiny white and blue dots representing stars white text that says 30 days with a space and cyber airmen.

Missile Warning and Space Surveillance

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Earth & Space Science
Logo that says Ladies of Landsat with a rendering of a landsat satelight

Ladies of Landsat

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science

STC Secondary: Exploring the Properties of Matter Unit

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Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Man sitting at desk looking at a laptop and two large screens with a photo of land from high up in the air

Exclusive: Get An Inside Look At The US Space Force

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science
Photo of a room of students with a model Earth suspended above them and text that says Science on a Sphere

NOAA Science on a Sphere

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science
Glider Guide Title Screen

Glider Guide

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Filed Under
Grade 2
Earth & Space Science
A black rectangle with an illustration of a crescent moon and the text NASA eclips

NASA eClips: Careers at NASA - More than just astronauts

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science
The side of a building with lettering that says Chapman Training Complex and a news title across the bottom that says this is not space camp.

This is not space camp': Watch how recruits train for US Space Force

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Earth & Space Science
A blue sky with a white rocket launching

Air Force Civilian Careers

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Earth & Space Science
A close up view of a computer screen that is black with orange and green coding text.

U.S. Space Force Supra Coder Program

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Earth & Space Science
Night sky with silhouettes of trees with a bright green streak in the sky

Space Weather and Earth's Aurora

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Earth & Space Science
Telescope observatory at night.

U.S. Space Force: Make History :30 Commercial

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Earth & Space Science
A tall American Sycamore tree with green leaves

Department of Agriculture Moon Tree Scientists

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Earth & Space Science

Soils– Organizing the Distribution Center

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Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Earth & Space Science
Large image of the Moon with a person in a chair looking at the image and a computer screen

National Geospatial -Intelligence Agency Mapping Moments: Lunar Module Simulator

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science

STC Program: Earth in Space Unit Kit

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Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Earth & Space Science
What Can Maps Tell Us About Land and Water on Earth?

What Can Maps Tell Us About Land and Water on Earth?

Filed Under
Grade 2
Earth & Space Science
Photo of the a large orange rocket on a launch pad at night with lights shining on it.

Department of Education Learning with NASA is Out of this World

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science
A satellite image of clouds over the United States

NOAA View Data Imagery Portal

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science

Understanding Weather and Climate– Lesson 6: Temperature, Pressure, and Cloud Formation

Filed Under
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Earth & Space Science
A blue globe with text that says NSF a ring of gold spikes around the globe.

Astronomy & Astrophysics Classroom Resources

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Filed Under
Earth & Space Science

STC-Secondary™: Researching the Sun-Earth-Moon System

Filed Under
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Earth & Space Science