
English Learners in STEM: Language Log

English Learners in STEM: Language Log


In this lesson, students are exploring the properties of clouds. They look at pictures of various cloud
formations and share what they already know. Next they are introduced to new vocabulary to put in their language log. As the students move through the unit they will update their log to help track progress and use as a tool for themselves.

The purpose of the language log is to capture both the lesson’s content and the language needed to
understand it. It provides students with a way to record what they are learning for future reference. Additional pages can be added to language logs throughout a unit of study to deepen a student’s understanding of a topic. Introduce the language log at the beginning of the unit so students can fully explore the new science topic and keep track of related vocabulary. The basic log can be adapted to fit the needs of the students and the unit.

The language log resources used in this video can be downloaded here.

Language log resources