Mosquito! How Can We Ensure Health For All From Mosquito-borne Diseases?
Mosquito! How Can We Ensure Health For All From Mosquito-borne Diseases?
Mosquito! is a freely available community research guide developed by the Smithsonian Science Education Center (SSEC) in partnership with the InterAcademy Partnership as part of the Smithsonian Science for Global Goals project. These Smithsonian Science for Global Goals community research guides use the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a framework to focus on sustainable actions that are defined and implemented by students.
Mosquito! is a module broken up into seven parts. Each part contains a series of tasks to complete. Each task contains additional resources to support that task. We have provided a suggested order for the parts and tasks. However, the structure of the guide hopefully allows you to customize your learning experience by selecting which parts, tasks, and resources you would like to utilize and in what order you would like to complete them.
Help us measure impact! By providing us with this basic information, you are ensuring that we can document the reach of the Biotechnology module and helping the Smithsonian Science Education Center to understand how to best support educators and parents as they undertake this module with their learners.
Mosquito! is also available in Spanish!
Click below to download the PDF files for each part of the community research guide or the entire module. Follow the instructions in the research guide for each task. The guide will tell you when to go to the additional resources for that task. You can find additional task resources in the appendix of the pdf or through Smithsonian’s Learning Lab below.
- 1-1 Mapping Your Identity
- 1-2 Thinking About Decisions
- 1-3 Pre-Surveying Team
- 1-4 Introducing Mosquitoes
- 1-5 Building Team Identity
- 1-6 Defining the Research Problem
- 1-7 Understanding Community Action Plan
- 1-8 Exploring Research Perspectives
- 1-9 Building Claims from Evidence
- 1-10 Mapping Questions
- 2-1 Mapping Research Sites
- 2-2 Analyzing Team Surveys
- 2-3 Surveying Community
- 2-4 Analyzing Community Surveys
- 2-5 Identifying Community Partners
- 2-6 Debriefing Community
- 3-1 Collecting Mosquito Eggs
- 3-2 Comparing Mosquitoes
- 3-3 Investigating Mosquito Distribution
- 3-4 Understanding Mosquito Life Cycle
- 3-5 Analyzing Collected Eggs and Larva
- 3-6 Analyzing Community Surveys (Life)
- 3-7 Debriefing Life
- 4-1 Investigating Mosquito Borne Disease Distribution
- 4-2 Modeling Vector Disease Transmission
- 4-3 Understanding Disease Hosts
- 4-4 Identifying Local Disease Hosts
- 4-5 Collecting Local Transmission Histories
- 4-6 Analyzing Community Surveys (Transmission)
- 4-7 Debriefing Transmission
- 5-1 Understanding Mosquito Habitats
- 5-2 Identifying + Mapping Local Habitats
- 5-3 Surveying Local Vegetation Habitats
- 5-4 Analyzing Community Surveys (Habitats)
- 5-5 Debriefing Habitats
- 6-1 Understanding Management Options
- 6-2 Developing Integrated Management Plans
- 6-3 Creating Local Integrated Management Plan
- 6-4 Analyzing Community Surveys (Management)
- 6-5 Debriefing Management
- 7-1 Assembling Part 1 of Plan: Research Area Background
- 7-2 Developing Part 2 of Plan: Action Goals
- 7-3 Creating Part 3 of Plan: Communication Strategy
- 7-4 Post-Surveying Team
- 7-5 Thinking about your Future Actions
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