
How Can We Use the Sky to Navigate?

How Can We Use the Sky to Navigate?

How Can We Use the Sky to Navigate? is part of Smithsonian Science for the Classroom, a curriculum series by the Smithsonian Science Education Center. It is designed to address a bundle of grade 5 earth and space science and engineering standards. In this module, students:

  • Use evidence to support an explanation that a ball moves toward Earth’s surface because gravity pulls objects toward Earth’s center.
  • Use evidence from a model and observations of the sky to support a claim that Earth rotates on an axis to cause day and night.
  • Design a tool that uses the Sun’s daily shadow pattern to measure time.
  • Develop a model to describe the relative distances between the Sun, Earth, Pluto, and other stars.
  • Represent the amount of time a constellation is visible throughout the year in both a table and a graph in order to reveal patterns.
  • Use the daily patterns of the Sun and daily and annual patterns of other stars to support an argument that ancient Polynesians could have used objects in the sky to navigate.

Below are digital resources that support teaching of this module.

Lesson 2: Sunset

Sunset (0:20)
This time-lapse video shows the Sun setting.
Download the Sunset Video

Earth-Sun Model
This file has directions to develop the Earth-Sun model.
Download the Earth-Sun Model PDF

Sunlight on the National Mall
This simulation shows 360-degree photos taken on the National Mall at five different times of one day in the winter, spring, summer, and fall. Sunlight on the National Mall is available as a website for use on computers. Download the application for use on tablets or mobile devices.

Lesson 3: Pictures in the Sky

Sky Viewing software
This website is the web version of Stellarium, which is a planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky.

Sky Viewing Explainer (X:XX)
This video shows how to use the Stellarium web version.
Download the Sky Viewing Explainer

Downloadable Sky Viewing Software
This website provides files to download Stellarium onto different operating systems.
Stellarium Astronomy Software

Standard and Military Time
This file shows the relationship between standard and military time.
Download the Standard and Military Time PDF

Moonrise and Moonset Calendar
This website has the moonrise and moonset dates and times.
Moonrise, Moonset, and Moon Phase in Time (

Lesson 4: Telling Time with the Sun

Coming Home on Time
This file describes the situation of being able to play outside with friends if you come home on time.
Download Coming Home on Time PDF

Lesson 5: Design a Sundial

Water Clocks
This website describes water clocks.

Lesson 6: Distances Can Be Deceiving

Sky Image
This image shows a realistic model of the sky.
Download the Sky Image PDF

Lesson 7: What’s Your Perspective?

Myself in the Mirror
This file shows the painting, Myself in the Mirror, by Oliver Chaffee. 
Download Myself in the Mirror PDF

Lesson 8: Light-Years Away

Sky from Pluto and Sky from Earth
This file shows views of the sky from Pluto and Earth.
Download the Sky from Pluto and Sky from Earth PDF

This file explains the concept of light-years.
Download the Light-Year PDF

Lesson 9: Where is Orion?

Light Pollution
This StoryMap is based on the National Museum of Natural History Lights Out exhibit.
Lights Out | Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History (

This website describes light pollution and the reading level can be adjusted.

Lesson 10: Missing Constellations

Inka Constellations
This website describes constellations of the Inka people.
The Great Inka Road: Engineering an Empire (

Lesson 11: Constellation Patterns

Constellation Locations
This file shows the location of eight constellations relative to Earth’s Solar system.
Download the Constellation Locations PDF

Constellation Visibility
This file shows when 12 constellations are visible throughout the year.
Download Constellation Visibility PDF

Lesson 13: Sky Navigation Part 1

Brightness of Objects in the Sky
This file shows the brightness of objects in the sky and their distance from Earth.
Download the Brightness of the Objects in the Sky PDF

Lesson 14: Sky Navigation Part 2

This file shows how to name directions between north, east, south, and west.
Download the Compass PDF

Lesson 15: Sky Navigation Part 3

Star Compass
This file shows a traditional Hawaiian star compass.
Download the Star Compass PDF

Star Compass (3:41)
This video shows how the Hawaiian Star Compass can be used to navigate.
Hōkūleʻa — Life Size Star Compass - Hōkūleʻa (

Pandanus Weaving
This file shows an example of weaving with construction paper.
Download the Pandanus Weaving PDF

Kit Tips & Tricks