
January & February in Review

Sustainability Mindsets Presented at CIES 2023 

The Smithsonian Science Education Center's (SSEC)Director, Dr. Carol O'Donnell, chaired a panel entitled "Childhood and Youth in Sustainability, Environment, and Climate Change Education"Comparative and International Education Society's annual conference, during whichKatherine Blanchard, Heidi Gibson, and Jacqueline Kolb presented on the Sustainability Mindsets used in Smithsonian Science for Global Goals.The Wednesday,February 22nd,afternoon session was well attended, 30 people listened to the SSEC staff members talk about the development of the sustainability mindsets, their alignment with the larger field and lifelong action for the SDGs, their unique advantages compared to other models, and how the SSEC uses them to strengthen the development of student materials, teacher professional development and systemic educational change towards STEM for sustainable development (STEM4SD). 

13 outstretched hands made from colored paper surround a crafted paper Earth


Federal Coordination in STEM Education 

The Smithsonian Science Education Center's Director, Dr. Carol O'Donnell. was an invited panelist for the US Department of Defense (DoD) STEM Office’s annual convening of over 400 participants, which was held in DC on February 24th. Carol served on the general session panel, “From Capital to the Classroom: Leveraging Federal STEM Priorities.” Other panelists included Dr. Jorge Valdes from the US Patent and Trademark Office; Dr. Michael Kincaid, Office of STEM Engagement at NASA; Mr Joaquin Tamayo, US Department of Education; and Dr. Louis Lopez, DoD STEM Office.   

An outside view of the Capitol Rotunda from the East Steps of the Capitol Complex

STEMM Opportunity Alliance 

The Smithsonian Science Education Center's Director, Dr. Carol O'Donnell, was an invited panelist for the Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Medicine (STEMM) Opportunity Alliance (SAO) inaugural convening of over 100 STEMM educators at Morgan State University in Baltimore Maryland, February 24th. The panel, “STEMM Equity and Excellence in Digital Learning” was moderated by Dr. Shirley Malcom, American Association for the Advancement of Science.   

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About the Author

Johnny McInerney
Executive Assistant

Johnny is the Executive Assistant to Smithsonian Science Education Center Director Dr. Carol O’Donnell. He was born and raised in Golden, Colorado. He attended the University of Colorado at Boulder graduating Summa Cum Laude in Policial Science with a minor in Sociology. In 2018 he jumped onto a re-election campaign, and after a successful campaign worked as a staff assistant in the Member’s legislative office on Capitol Hill in Washington. After two and a half years he transitioned roles to become the scheduler for a Congressman of Southern New Jersey.  After he departed the Hill, he worked for a think tank for just under a year before he found himself lucky enough to take this incredible opportunity with the Smithsonian. He is passionate about a lot of things: food, film, roller coasters, oil painting, video games, pets, and people…just to name a few!