Where does rain come from? Where do puddles go? How are plants and animals the same? How are they different? What makes objects go fast or slow? Helping young students answer these questions by encouraging their natural curiosity is a no-brainer for engaging them in science explorations. This is one of the goals of the newest set of science curriculum developed by the SSEC.
I'm sure we've all been asked, "How did you spend your summer vacation?" We usually describe the obligatory family trip, visits to the community pool with the kids or--if you're really creative and not averse to making things up--wolverine hunts in Alaska with your uncle (Napoleon Dynamite fans will understand).
Recently the Professional Services Division at the SSEC sat down for the second of our new Journal Club meetings. Building off of our last discussion of the SSEC's "LASER" (Leadership and Assistance for Science Education Reform) model, we read Christopher L.