Lunch and Learn at the Smithsonian Institution Staff Picnic
Editor's Note: This post was written with the assistance of Patti Marohn.
Under the encouragement of Douglas Herman of the National Museum of the American Indian, scholars across the Smithsonian presented the results of their research at the SI Staff Picnic on July 7, 2016. Example posters displayed at the Research Scholars’ Tent included the Smithsonian Science Education Center, who presented the results of its five-year, $30 million research study of its Leadership and Assistance for Science Education Reform (LASER) model, funded by the U.S. Department of Education.
The Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute presented posters from Qiongyu Huang, Peter Leimgruber, and Benjamin Robb on mule deer movement in Utah tracked though GPS collars and from Jared Stabach on releasing the scimitar-horned oryx to the Ouadi Rimé-Ouadi Achim Game Reserve in Chad.
Smithsonian Libraries shared how the large collection is aided by unique identification numbers. Richard Naples describes how the ORCID, or the Open Researcher and Contributor ID, helps research information flow and is useful to differentiate authors with the same or similar names. Freer-Sackler library resources are also being used to edit Wikipedia content about India’s Mughal Dynasty.
Laurie Penland, of the Smithsonian Scientific Diving Program, shared the underwater research efforts of the Smithsonian Institution.
Other posters included:
Smithsonian National Collections Program
National Museum of African American History and Culture/Smithsonian Museum Conservation Institute
Smithsonian Museum Conservation Institute/Museum Support Center
Smithsonian Institution Archives